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The great Poet KALIDAS said

“ Those who refused to admit Astrology its to the comity of the so called accepted sciences have made up minds. Little do they know that before they knew anything of, what they call futurology, there were satnts and sages like Kalidas,Vyas and Balmiki,particularly in India who had made deep studies on the Laws of Nature which reveals kinks between the happenings on the earth and those in the eternal sky like cosmos.”

Astrology is a Sciences depends on the movement of the planets which we say ( Gochar ) Planetary position and Predictions is an Art.

Astrology is a divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Followers of astrology believe that an understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs allows them to both predict and affect the destinies of individuals, groups, and nations.

It is also seen as a method of predicting events based upon the assumption that the celestial bodies—particularly the planets and the stars considered in their arbitrary combinations or configurations —in some way or the other – determine or indicate changes in the sublunar world. The theoretical basis for this assumption lies historically in the Vedic philosophy and radically distinguishes astrology from the celestial omina, or omens.

Originally, astrologers presupposed a geocentric universe in which the “planets” (including the Sun and Moon) revolve in orbits whose centres are at or near the centre of the Earth and in which the stars are fixed upon a sphere with a finite radius whose centre is also the centre of the Earth. Later the principles of Aristotelian physics were adopted, according to which there is an absolute division between the eternal, circular motions of the heavenly element and the limited, linear motions of the four sublunar elements: fire, air, water, earth.

However, in Hindu philosophy, astrology has roots in the vedas, which are the highest and the most sacred authorities of hinduism. The Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Soma Veda and Atharva Veda are divided into two great classes - Sruti and Smriti. Sruti means hearing and denotes direct revelation and Smriti is recollection.

Indian astrology is based on the Vedas, in particular the Vedanga Jyotisha, one of the six appendices of the Vedas devoted to astronomy. It is based on the idea that the position of celestial bodies at the moment of birth influences the personality, events and destinies of individuals.

  • Rig Veda: Together with sacrificial formulas, charms and incantations, it contains all that had been saved of the ancient, sacred and popular poetry.
  • Yajur Veda: The name comes from Yaj, sacrifice. It contains the formula and verses to be muttered by the priests and their assistants who had chiefly to prepare the sacrificial ground, to dress the altar, slay the victims and pour out the libation.
    There are two principal texts of the Yajur Veda called the White and the Black or the Vajasaneyi and Taittiriya sanhitas. The Vishnu Purana gives the following explanation of their name. Vaisampayana, a pupil of the great Vyasa, was the original teacher of the Black Yajur Veda. Yajnavalka, one of his desciples, who had displeased him. Another explanation of the names is that the Vajasaneyins called the collection the White on account. A large portion of the material of Yajur Veda is derived from the Rig- Veda.
  • Sama Veda: This is wholly metrical, containing 1549 verses of which 78 have not been traced to the Rig Veda. The purpose of being chanted at the sacrifices of which the intoxicating juice of the Soma Plant was the chief ingredient.
  • Atharva Veda: This Veda is of later origin than the others. It is sometimes called cursing Veda because it contains so many Mantras that are supposed to be able to cause the destruction of enemies.