
Ballygunge Gardens, Near Golpark, Gariahat, Pin - 700029

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About Us

Astrology Foundations

We are proficient in interpreting the nuances of the 12 houses, the 9 grahas(Planets), including planet Rahu and Ketu. Our advice has proven to be on the mark.

What We Offer

Chart Analysis

Detailed natal chart reading is one of our areas of competencies. This we do by focusing on graha placements and their effects on different houses. Coupled with our expertise in forecasting abilities, our precise chart readings help lifetimes turn around in a positive manner.

Advanced Techniques

We offer specialization in Mahadasha and Antardasha analysis, nakshatra-based predictions, degrees of grahas, and insights from the Navamsa (D9) chart, a service that has drawn special attention from our clients.

Personalized chart readings

  • Tailored to your life’s journey in the past, its present status quo, and the future, we undertake personalized chart readings that define lifetimes.
  • Guidance in understanding your strengths, challenges, and future opportunities.
  • Support in decision-making and life planning with the help of astrological insights.